chanel _ precision
chanel _ precision

30 " television commercial . 2005 . usa + france . direction . music _ ryuichi sakamoto . cinematography _  jean-yves escoffier

clinique _ evolution . self defense
clinique _ evolution . self defense

30 " television commercials . 2005 . usa . direction

clinique _ evolution . self defense
clinique _ evolution . self defense

30 " television commercials . 2005 . usa . direction


video installation . 22 ' . 1996 . uk . concept + direction _ with rick smith [ underworld ] _ sound + music


video installation . 22 ' . 1996 . uk . concept + direction _ with rick smith [ underworld ] _ sound + music

lemon ruski
lemon ruski

television + cinema campaign . 2001 . australia . concept + scripts + direction + cinematography + design . steve back – moscow footage

lemon ruski
lemon ruski

television + cinema campaign . 2001 . australia . concept + scripts + direction + cinematography + design . steve back – moscow footage

lemon ruski
lemon ruski

television + cinema campaign . 2001 . australia . concept + scripts + direction + cinematography + design . steve back – moscow footage


film four . 5 '50 " short film . 2003 . uk . concept + script + direction + cinematography + design . soundtrack – underworld _ ryuichi sakamoto . additional video footage – toru yoshikawa . joel baumann . wing-yee wu


film four . 5 '50 " short film . 2003 . uk . concept + script + direction + cinematography + design . soundtrack – underworld _ ryuichi sakamoto . additional video footage – toru yoshikawa . joel baumann . wing-yee wu


film four . 5 '50 " short film . 2003 . uk . concept + script + direction + cinematography + design . soundtrack – underworld _ ryuichi sakamoto . additional video footage – toru yoshikawa . joel baumann . wing-yee wu


film four . 5 '50 " short film . 2003 . uk . concept + script + direction + cinematography + design . soundtrack – underworld _ ryuichi sakamoto . additional video footage – toru yoshikawa . joel baumann . wing-yee wu

the hunger
the hunger

60 ' commercial . 1998 . usa . scottfree + showtime . script + direction


the hunger
the hunger

60 ' commercial . 1998 . usa . scottfree + showtime . script + direction


memento (the floating world)
memento (the floating world)

nikon _ japan . 6 minute film . 2010 . concept + direction + photography + typography

mode 2001 _ landed | geland
mode 2001 _ landed | geland

30" television commercial . 2001 . belgium . concept + direction + graphic design + sound design

chanel _ precision
clinique _ evolution . self defense
clinique _ evolution . self defense
lemon ruski
lemon ruski
lemon ruski
the hunger
the hunger
memento (the floating world)
mode 2001 _ landed | geland
chanel _ precision

30 " television commercial . 2005 . usa + france . direction . music _ ryuichi sakamoto . cinematography _  jean-yves escoffier

clinique _ evolution . self defense

30 " television commercials . 2005 . usa . direction

clinique _ evolution . self defense

30 " television commercials . 2005 . usa . direction


video installation . 22 ' . 1996 . uk . concept + direction _ with rick smith [ underworld ] _ sound + music


video installation . 22 ' . 1996 . uk . concept + direction _ with rick smith [ underworld ] _ sound + music

lemon ruski

television + cinema campaign . 2001 . australia . concept + scripts + direction + cinematography + design . steve back – moscow footage

lemon ruski

television + cinema campaign . 2001 . australia . concept + scripts + direction + cinematography + design . steve back – moscow footage

lemon ruski

television + cinema campaign . 2001 . australia . concept + scripts + direction + cinematography + design . steve back – moscow footage


film four . 5 '50 " short film . 2003 . uk . concept + script + direction + cinematography + design . soundtrack – underworld _ ryuichi sakamoto . additional video footage – toru yoshikawa . joel baumann . wing-yee wu


film four . 5 '50 " short film . 2003 . uk . concept + script + direction + cinematography + design . soundtrack – underworld _ ryuichi sakamoto . additional video footage – toru yoshikawa . joel baumann . wing-yee wu


film four . 5 '50 " short film . 2003 . uk . concept + script + direction + cinematography + design . soundtrack – underworld _ ryuichi sakamoto . additional video footage – toru yoshikawa . joel baumann . wing-yee wu


film four . 5 '50 " short film . 2003 . uk . concept + script + direction + cinematography + design . soundtrack – underworld _ ryuichi sakamoto . additional video footage – toru yoshikawa . joel baumann . wing-yee wu

the hunger

60 ' commercial . 1998 . usa . scottfree + showtime . script + direction


the hunger

60 ' commercial . 1998 . usa . scottfree + showtime . script + direction


memento (the floating world)

nikon _ japan . 6 minute film . 2010 . concept + direction + photography + typography

mode 2001 _ landed | geland

30" television commercial . 2001 . belgium . concept + direction + graphic design + sound design

show thumbnails